Barry Morphew to face voter fraud charges

Published on 25 July 2022 at 10:12

#Barry Morphew will be back in court today to face voter fraud charges. As you know he was sooooo worried about his beloved wife, Suzanne, being missing that he took time out from searching for her (insert eyeroll here) to submit a presidential voter ballot with her name on it. What a great a husband, huh?!! I mean, I would hope that if I was missing and my husband was the #1 suspect that he'd take time out to do that for me. What love. (I'm fluent in sarcasm :)). As you remember, the evil wenches of Eastwick were able to get Barry's trial thrown out, but without prejudice which means once a body is found good o' bar bar can be tried! We look forward to that day. And his day will come. Until then...let's enjoy what we can...follow along with Matt Blac, Inc channel and/or Lauren Scharf Twitter today as we hope they don't just slap Bar Bar on the wrist again. 9:00 am Chaffee County Court House and Lauren Scharf will be in attendance! #JusticeforSuzanneMorphew

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